· The victim was driving a bus the time of the assault and the defendant was a passenger.” The affidavit says Miramontes-Gonzalez’s actions were “completely unprovoked,” and other passengers. · A Nebraska bus driver brutally assaulted a passenger for no apparent reason and then dragged the hurt man off the bus and left him in the middle of the stree. · Appeal filed after police close case without investigation of bus driver who assaulted, attempted to run over passenger in front of .
A passenger attacked the driver of a Trailways bus Monday. A witness called the police and started recording video when the bus came to a stop. The witness said the attacker got angry with the. CHICAGO - A Chicago city bus driver who was captured on viral video body slamming a passenger on concrete has received probation for the assault. The incident happened in July of Video shows. A Lincoln, Nebraska bus driver accused of assaulting a passenger repeatedly punched the man before dragging him off the vehicle and leaving him on the side o.
Greyhound makes its routes and schedules available online, so it’s easy to find information about your trip. Just check the company’s official website and use its various features to find schedules and track a trip. Greyhound’s bus tracker. Search the Internet to find used bus parts for sale. Numerous companies sell parts and used buses for schools, transportation needs, party buses, businesses, personal needs and other uses. By shopping online, you have the advantage to compa. Curious why your child has an assigned seat? Here are the secrets parents wish they knew about the peculiar demands of school bus drivers. www.doorway.ru Relationships Parenting The best way to avoid trouble is by designating kids to certain seats.